As a new plant parent, you may struggle to find a suitable place for your Monstera Deliciosa plant. It is very difficult for a new plant parent to determine where the plant wants to live. Even though the tropical vine Monstera Deliciosa is supple enough to live anywhere, the right living conditions may help the plant to thrive.
As a tropical vine, Monstera loves a warm and humid atmosphere. They can grow happily if you keep them under a roof with suitable living conditions. Adequate light, water and sometimes fertilisation can help the plant to grow happily indoors. However, an inappropriate place can restrict the plant from accessing some basic elements it needs to survive when grown indoors.
Inappropriate living conditions can give your Monstera a tough time. If the condition is not favourable, your Monstera may react with symptoms like discoloured leaves, droopy leaves, root rot, etc. Hence, it is crucial to give your Monstera an ideal place it needs to thrive happily. Remember, the tropical plant needs the right living conditions to sustain its huge foliage and perform the fenestrations required to survive.
We are here to tell you everything you need to learn to find the right place for your beloved plant. It is all about being perceptive about the care requirements of the houseplant. Once you educate yourself and understand what living conditions suit the Monstera Deliciosa best, you will find it easier to give the plant the right place. Go through the article and learn what your Monstera wants.
If the living conditions are favourable, you can keep your Monstera in your bedroom, living room, bathroom or anywhere you want. The gorgeous tropical vine loves places with a lot of bright but indirect light, high humidity and adequate temperature. So, any place that offers those basic needs can be the right place for your Monstera to thrive.
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Factors That Can Influence Monstera’s Placement (Home And Office)
When grown in the wild, Monsteras can become huge. You might be thinking about how a tropical vine can live indoors. You might ask yourself if your home, bedroom or office place can give your Monstera every element it needs to grow happily. There are three influential factors that can determine your Monstera’s placement. Let us talk about factors like light, humidity and temperature in detail and find how these factors can influence Monstera’s placement.
Whether you are growing a Monstera indoor or outdoor, light is one of the basic elements Monstera Deliciosa needs to survive. Although a Monstera Deliciosa plant can survive with minimum light, adequate indirect light can make the plant stronger and help to mature faster and fuller. So, as a plant parent, it is your responsibility to help your Monstera mature to its natural size.
However, a lot of light does not mean it is okay to put the plant under the scorching sun in the summer. Direct sunlight, especially in the summer can burn leaves. Full access to indirect light can help the large and mature foliage to have splits and holes.
Some plant parents believe that just because the tropical vine can grow happily in the shadow of giant trees in the rainforests, Monsteras can thrive in low-light living conditions when grown indoors. Well, you should not think in that way. In fact, if you look at their growing pattern when grown in the wild, you will get the answer.
Monsteras are some of the tropical vines that grow aerial roots to climb giant trees to reach a considerable height. Monsteras in the wild climb upward to access more light. And that clearly signifies that Monsteras like bright light.
So it will not be a bad decision if you place the plant near a window from where your Monstera can access bright but indirect sunlight.
While extreme light can lead to permanent damage, low light can also cause serious health issues like leggy and stunted growth, poorly developed aerial roots, small foliage, loss of variegation and many other things. On the other hand, if your Monstera is suffering from extreme light, it will react with symptoms like leaf burn, bleached or faded leaves, whitewashed variegation, stunted growth, dry soil, etc.
To avoid the scorching sun in the summer, you can let your Monstera access sunlight during the morning and late afternoon.
You can place your Monstera under light for 6 to 8 hours but remember too much direct light can burn the leaves. If possible try to keep the plant at least one foot away from the window to avoid direct exposure to sunlight.
Humidity and Moisture:
When looking for the right spot to place your Monstera, you must remember that your Monstera is native to tropical climates. The tropical plant loves warm and humid places, as humidity helps the plant control the moisture level in its leaves.
Lack of adequate moisture can cause visible changes in Monstera Deliciosa plants Yellow or brown leaves are some of the signs your Monstera is suffering from poor humidity level. You can also encounter issues like changing colour or crispy leaves over time. Sometimes, poor humidity levels cause irreversible damage. Hence, make sure you have placed your Monstera in place with at least a 50% humidity level.
Before you choose a place to put the container, you must determine the level of humidity and moisture in the area. However, measuring the humidity level of a room or an area is a tricky job and you cannot do it with your senses. To get an accurate figure, you can use a hygrometer. The small device can measure both the temperature and level of humidity of a room or area.
Humidity or moisture level can vary from one room to another. For example, you will find the humidity level in and around the bathroom, basement and kitchen a little bit higher than in other areas of your house. Even though a Monstera Deliciosa plant can thrive in a room with a 50% humidity level, you may find it difficult to keep the humidity level always up to that mark.
If the humidity level of the area goes below 30%, your beloved Monstera is probably going to have a tough time. Monstera Deliciosa is a tropical vine and it cannot thrive in a dry atmosphere. In such a condition, you must take some measures to make the environment favourable for your Monstera.
Do not lose hope, as there are many ways through which you can improve the humidity level of the area. To maintain the right balance, you can mist your Monstera on the regular basis or place the pot on a pebble-filled tray. However, if you are looking for an instant and hassle-free solution, purchase a humidifier and let the device do your job.
If you lead a busy life, let the humidifier do your job throughout the day, as the device works automatically. Whenever the humidity level of your room goes below the level you set, the device will turn itself on to add moisture to the air.
When grown indoors, room temperature is going to be a crucial factor for your Monstera Deliciosa plant. So, when finding a suitable place for your Monstera, you must evaluate the factor to avoid unwanted issues. Tropical vines like Monstera Deliciosa can bloom best in temperatures between 65 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit (18-30 degrees Celsius).
If the temperature rises above the comfort level, your Monstera will start reacting. The high temperature will take moisture away quickly making the soil and leaves dry and crisp. Extreme low temperature, on the other hand, is also unsuitable for a tropical houseplant like Monstera Deliciosa.
When the temperature dips below 60 degrees Fahrenheit (15 degrees Celsius) during winter, the plant slows down its growth. As the mercury plunges below 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius), your Monstera enters into the dormant state.
So, you need to choose a place for your Monstera carefully.
Your Monstera will not mind if you place it in a room with no air conditioning system but placing it under or near vents can be a big mistake. Also, keep the plant away from the air conditioner or your heating system, as Monstera Deliciosa is vulnerable to extreme cold and hot temperatures.
Temperature shock can cause severe damage and you have to be careful about it when taking your Monstera from one place to another. A sudden drop or rise in the temperature can affect the health of your Monstera and force it to react with symptoms like wilted and drooping leaves. Also, if you decide to place the plant near wood stoves or furnaces during winter, adjust the watering schedule accordingly.
Some Important Tips You Can Follow While Finding A Spot For Your Monstera
With so many options out there, finding the most suitable spot can be a confusing task for you. Let us simplify the task with some important tips.
Placing The Plant Near A Window:
Placing your Monstera near a window can be a good idea but make sure the position of the plant is away from the direct sun. Also, if the temperature outside is above average, you should keep it at a safe distance.
Related: How Much Light Does A Monstera Plant Need?
Keeping Monstera In Your Bedroom:
Waking up with the view of a beautiful houseplant is a good idea. Since Monstera Deliciosa does not require heavy light to grow, you can keep it in your bedroom. Monsteras have air-purifying quality and they can also enhance the beauty of your bedroom. To keep the plant healthy, you can place it near a window with mild and filtered sunlight. Make sure you have not placed the plant under the AC, as the cold and dry air of your air conditioning system can make the plant sick.
Keeping Monstera In The Bathroom:
The best thing about a bathroom is that the place can give an ample amount of moisture to your Monstera. Every item including the bathtub, basin and wet towels inside your bathroom will keep the humidity level always high. While keeping the plant inside your bathroom, make sure the plant is getting adequate light. Since the bathroom is a wet place, keeping your Monstera inside the bathroom during winter will not be a good idea. Avoid pouring water on the plant while taking shower or using the bathroom for any purpose.
Give Your Monstera The Best Place To Thrive
Monstera Deliciosa is native to tropical rainforests. They need light adequate light and humidity to live happily. If you cannot recreate the environment of natural rainforest in your home, you can provide the plant with the necessary amount of light and moisture it needs to grow spontaneously.
So, when finding a place to put the container of your Monstera plant, make sure the place in is excellent in terms of offering adequate light, temperature and humidity. Also, an adult Monstera needs enough space to unfurl its leaves and stretch stems and branches.
You can keep your Monstera inside your bedroom or bathroom provided the living condition of the room offers everything the plant needs to thrive indoors.
Also Read: How Often Do You Water Monstera Deliciosa?
FAQs About Monstera Placements
How much light does a monstera need when grown indoors?
Your Monstera can thrive with 8-10 hours of bright but indirect sunlight every day. If you cannot give your Monstera the much-needed natural light, use artificial light to help the plant grow indoors.
My bedroom has no window. Can I still have a monstera plant inside?
Yes, you can but the unavailability of natural light can disturb your Monstera’s growth rate. The plant can also face difficulties in producing fenestrated leaves.
Can I use my smartphone to get a humidity update?
Smartphone applications can only provide humidity level updates of the area you live. A smartphone cannot help you learn the exact level of humidity in your room. To get an accurate figure, you can use a hygrometer.
What if I live in a cold area?
Yes, you can grow a Monstera in a cold area. To help the plant grow, try to place it outdoor so that it can get sufficient light. However, if the temperature is below 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius) bring the plant inside.
It does not matter whether you decide to keep your Monstera in your bedroom or bathroom; you will have to provide it with three basic aspects; indirect moderate light, sufficient temperature and humidity to flourish. So while finding a suitable location to place your Monstera, keep these three factors in mind. We hope the information we have provided above will help you find the right place for your Monstera. To learn more about how to care for Monstera, you can read other articles on this website. Your opinion is valuable to us. Please share your views on the same and help us learn more.
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Gardening is my greatest passion, and I love indoor and outdoor plants so much. Plants make me happy, and I enjoy taking care of them. I know keeping plants happy and healthy is a challenging task. But as a plant enthusiast, I do my best to help my little friends thrive. I am here to help people who nurture similar points of view about plants with my little knowledge and experience.