Whether you have Monstera Deliciosa or any other houseplant, you must consider watering as one of the crucial parts of their well being. As a plant parent, you must know when and how to water your Monstera. Remember, nothing can kill a houseplant like Monstera Deliciosa faster than under or overwatering. If you are a new plant parent and want to know more about Monstera Deliciosa’s water requirements, here is everything you need to know.
Monstera Deliciosa, which is also famed as the Swiss Cheese Plant is a native tropical vine that requires adequate water and moisture to thrive happily. If the plant is not getting enough water it needs to survive, it will give you some signals. Droopy leaves, yellowing leaves, crispy leaves and stunted growth are some signs of inappropriate watering practices. However, apart from under and overwatering, unfavourable cultural conditions and lack of resources can also lead to serious health issues.
If you want your Monstera Deliciosa to look happy and healthy all the time, you have to ensure proper care. To let your Monstera grow with huge lustrous foliage, you need to focus on its watering requirements. In this article, we will cover everything you should know about your Monstera’s watering requirements.
The topical houseplant Monstera Deliciosa needs sufficient water to survive and flourish. Signs like drooping leaves, yellowing leaves, brown and crispy leaves and stunted growth can help you assess the need for watering. Cultural factors like soil, pot type, season, light and humidity often impact the watering requirements Monstera Deliciosa.
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Sings Your Monstera Needs Water
To ensure whether your Monstera requires a drink or not, you have to check the plant regularly. It is the first thing you can do to save your Monstera from watering issues. To keep your beloved plant healthy and shiny, you have to maintain a delicate balance between over and underwatering practices.
Your plant needs adequate moisture to thrive, while on the other hand, overwatering can cause waterlogged soil. So, you can think about watering the plant only when it is thirsty. Here are some steps you can follow to learn if your Monstera needs a drink.
Watch Out For Drooping Leaves:
Sturdy stems of Monstera plants do not wilt easily. If you do not water your plant when it is longing for a drink, its leaves and stems will sag. If you inspect the plant over time, you will see the difference. So, take measures before the condition gets worse.
Never Ignore Curling Leaves:
Curling leaves of monstera are a clear sign of dehydration. Thirst or dryness is the possible reason behind the curled leaves problem. If you have found your Monstera’s leaves becoming curly or crunchy, you may consider it a sure sign of thirst or dryness. It symbolises that your Monstera is not getting the amount of water it needs to live happily.
Yellowing Of Lower Leaves:
Yellowing of lower leaves in monstera is the outcome of improper watering practices. Excessive moisture in the soil and overwatering are the primary reason behind the problem. To ensure whether overwatering is the real culprit behind the yellow leaves problem, use your fingers to check the moisture level in the soil.
Look for Browning Lower Leaves:
Older leaves become brown with time, and you may consider the process natural. However, if you encounter upper and newer leaves of your Monstera becoming brown, it is a matter of concern. Overwatering and low-light conditions are the possible reasons behind the brown leaves problem.
Check for Crispy Leaves:
Crispy edges with light brown spots across the leaves are signs of thirst, and you should take it seriously. When the soil becomes dry, the plant reacts with light brown and crispy edges. In such a condition, you need to water your plant a little bit more than usual.
Stunted Growth Is An Issue:
Too much and too little water can be responsible for the growth issue. Overwatering can make the soil excessively moist, while underwatering can make the soil dry and restrict the plant from accessing necessary nutrients required for natural growth.
Check the Soil Frequently:
Plant parents often find it tough to access the condition of the soil by looking at the top. It is better to reach the soil beneath to ensure its condition. So, push your finger deep into the soil and feel the moisture level.
Weigh the Pot:
Another effective way to check if your Monstera is suffering from improper watering practices is to weigh the plant with the pot. It is easy to find the difference between pots with wet and dry soil. If you do this at regular intervals, it will be easier for you to assess the condition of the soil.
Cultural Factors That Might Impact Monstera’s Watering Requirements
When working on your watering schedule, you need to look at some cultural factors. These factors often influence the watering requirements of houseplants like Monstera Deliciosa. Let us focus on these factors and learn more about Monstera’s water needs.
Not wet, your Monstera loves slightly dry soil. Well-draining soil mix is the best gift you can give to your beloved Monstera. If you have a well-draining soil mix in the pot, you will have to water the plant more frequently. If the drainage holes are active, well-draining soil will dry out quickly.
The heavy mix is not a suitable option for your Monstera, as heavy soil can cause issues like root rot. So, you can adjust your watering schedule according to the type of soil.
The type and size of the pot can be one of the major factors here. Pots made of concrete, wood and terracotta are good for houseplants like Monstera Deliciosa, as such materials allow the air to go through the soil and absorb the moisture.
When grown in these types of pots, your Monstera needs more water. Pots made of glass, ceramic, metal or plastic keep the water inside and take time to absorb water. If you have kept your Monstera in these types of pots, there is no need to water the plant frequently.
The size of the pot also affects the watering requirement of a Monstera Deliciosa plant. If you have a giant pot for your Monstera, you will need more soil for it. Big-sized pots can hold more water than mid-sized or small-sized containers.
So, if you own a large pot, just cut down the watering frequency. Conversely, Monsteras grown in small or mid-sized pots, require more frequent watering. However, we will suggest you to please check the moisture level of the soil before watering your Monstera.
Light is also an important cultural factor that influences the watering needs of your Monstera. Better light ensures better growth and you should be careful about the intensity of light your Monstera is getting most of the time.
If the plant is exposed to adequate light, the soil in the pot will dry out quickly. So, if your plant is exposed to better light, you have to increase the watering frequency accordingly. On the other hand, Monsteras that grow in low-light conditions require less water. Excessive heat can burn its stems and leaves. So, never put your Monstera under the direct sun, especially during summer.
Related: How Much Light Does A Monstera Plant Need?
Well, before we say anything, you can assume how seasons can influence watering needs. During summer, your Monstera receives more light and heat. In such a condition, your Monstera needs more water.
Remember, topical houseplants like Monstera Deliciosa grow in summer. So you have to fulfil the watering needs accordingly and help your favourite plant flourish. Winter is the sleeping time for your Monstera and you should slow down your watering practices during this season.
Tropical vines like Monstera Deliciosa require 65 to 85-degree Fahrenheit (18-30 C) heat to thrive happily. As the temperature rises, you have to increase the frequency of watering. When the temperature is ideal for your Monstera to thrive, the soil will turn dry rapidly and if you do not water the plant on time, you will encounter issues like drooping leaves. If the temperature is below 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees C), your Monstera will stop growing even if you water it properly.
Monstera enjoys growing in a high humid environment. It is a tropical vine and it requires adequate humidity to prosper. When the level of humidity is higher, your Monstera will ask for less water.
On the other hand, if the atmosphere is dry or the level of humidity is below par, you have to water the plant frequently. When you grow a Monstera in a low-humid condition, frequent misting can help you to keep your Monstera fresh and juicy. Remember, misting cannot be a substitute for watering. So, check the moisture level in the soil and water the plant accordingly.
How to Water Your Monstera Plant?
Although watering a houseplant is one of the easiest tasks to execute, novice plant parents often harm their plants during the process. Here is our quick guide to water your Monstera precisely.
Guide To Watering A Monstera Plant From The Top:
Step: 1
Before watering your Monstera from the top, take the plant to a safe place like the shower or sink. Now take a mid-sized jug or a long-necked container to pour water into the soil. There is no need to make the foliage wet during the process, as wet leaves take time to become dry.
Step: 2
Do not water your Monstera heavily at once. Let the water you have already applied soak first. Remember, heavily dried soil with a hard surface may take time to absorb the water. So, wait for the second instalment until the soil gets evenly moist.
Step: 3
Now, add water to the surface of the pot. You can fill the pot with water, but make sure the drainage holes are active. Leave your Monstera in the shower or sink for a while to let the extra water to drain out completely from the container.
Step: 4
Now it’s time to check the pot to ensure the draining of excess water. It is necessary to let all excess water drain out from the pot. Stagnant water can make the soil soggy, which is not good for your Monstera’s root.
Step: 5
It is time to bring the plant back to its previous place. Before leaving the shower, ensure no more water is dripping from the pot.
Guide To Watering Monstera Plant From The Bottom:
Watering a Monstera from the bottom is an easy task. Your Monstera can also get hydrated in this way. In this process, you need to place the pot in a basin or sink with a few inches of water. Let the soil extract water from the bottom using the capillary action.
Even though bottom watering is a slow watering procedure, as it may take up to 30 minutes for a Monstera to draw adequate water, it reduces the possibility of adding excess water and making the soil soggy.
How Often You Need to Water Your Monstera?
If you are raising a Monstera in an environment with sufficient indirect light, try to water the plant every 10-14 days in summer and spring. While in winter, water your adorable plant only once in 14-21 days.
However, you should check the cultural factors that often influence the watering needs for your Monstera. You can increase or decrease the frequency of watering based on the conditions you have provided to your Monstera Deliciosa.
Water is one of the most indispensable elements your Monstera needs to survive. Both over and underwatering can be harmful to a houseplant. So, it is crucial to identify the signs your Monstera is thirsty. Evaluate the cultural factors like soil, pot types, season, temperature, light and humidity before adjusting your watering schedule and practices. The article also includes steps you can follow to water your Monstera accurately. So, this is how you can save a Monstera from thirst and dryness. We welcome readers with new ideas and opinions. We also request you to share your experience with us and help us learn new things about Monstera’s watering requirements.
Reference List
A comparison of Monstera deliciosa and M. tacanaensis
Gardening is my greatest passion, and I love indoor and outdoor plants so much. Plants make me happy, and I enjoy taking care of them. I know keeping plants happy and healthy is a challenging task. But as a plant enthusiast, I do my best to help my little friends thrive. I am here to help people who nurture similar points of view about plants with my little knowledge and experience.